and in /srv/fai/config/store/setup-storage you need to have line 77 as follows unshift @INC, "/var/lib/fai/config/store/lib";
Have you considered this instead?
use lib ""/var/lib/fai/config/store/lib";
Which will then allow you to have an entire FAI:: namespace down that path? Unless you wrap the 'unshift' into a BEGIN{} block, it happens at run-time (which is too late), not compile time like 'use lib'. BEGIN blocks are ugly and tough to debug, where as 'use lib' falls into the natural order/perly of doing things.
It might even be better to put the config-store libs in a central place that all of FAI can find them, possibly in /usr/lib/fai, which gets rolled into the NFSROOT. You can then do things like:
use FindBin; use lib dirname(abs_path($FindBin::RealScript)) . "/../lib"; use lib "$FindBin/../lib"; use FAI::Config::Store; my $bin = $FindBin::Bin;
if you needed to. This allows for an FAI/ subdir some place relative where the script running lives, and provides a location for an entire FAI:: namespace.
Additionally, in setup-storage, there is the following:
require ""; require ""; require ""; require ""; require ""; require ""; require "";
Which seems to be an attempt to get around the fact that the 'unshift @INC' is a runtime operator. If the unshift were converted to a "use lib", all the requires could be converted to 'use' statements as well, and all this would happen at compile time where it's supposed to.
Just some thoughts.
-- PaulLussier
preserve option
could anybody give me the right trasformation of this configuration to the new format
disk_config hda primary - preserve1 primary - preserve2 primary / 100- rw,errors=remount-ro ; boot -j ext3 logical swap 128 sw
especially i don't understand the preserves
thanks a lot
disk sda / hda
Is there a reason why all the examples use
disk_config hda
disk_config sda
instead of the more generic (and probably more generally applicable)
disk_config disk1
(specific partitions can be addressed as 'disk1.3')