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The following Variables do exist in FAI (example values included):

type: int = internal use only; CS used in config space (often defined by *.var)

name type example value created by used by comments
BOOT_IMAGE int vmlinux-install kernel no one may be unset
BROADCAST get-boot-info scripts/FAIBASE/30-interface
DNSDOMAIN task_setup() justdefined because cfengine 1.5.3 can't use DOMAIN
DNSSRVS dhclient-perl create_resolv_conf
DNSSRVS_1 first element of DNSSRV
DOMAIN task_setup() task_prepareapt()
COLOR_FAI_LOGO int boolean prcopyleft() "0" does not work for installation on x86. Only the Linux Terminal can display the color logo.
DEBIAN_FRONTEND int noninteractive dpkg -i
DO_INIT_TASKS int boolean fai, task_confdir(), prcopyleft() 1 if doing net installation
FAI /fai almost every function
FAI_ACTION install, sysinfo, softupdate fai-chboot via kernel command line save_log_local() save_log_remote_shell() save_log_remote() get_bootp_info() task_action(), fai-savelog-ftp, updatebase
FAI_FLAGS 'createvt sshd' kernel command line, fai-chboot define_fai_flags()
FAI_LOCATION faiserver:/srv/fai/config get_bootp_info() get_fai_dir() get_fai_cvs()
FAI_LOGPROTO ftp fai.conf save_log_remote() replaces FAI_REMOVECP and FAI_REMOTESH, may be removed from fai.conf, should

be defined in class/*.var, but fai-setup needs this too

FAI_REMOTECP scp fai.conf fai-setup, fai-savelog removed from fai.conf
FAI_REMOTESH ssh fai.conf fai-setup, fai-savelog, task_chboot() removed from fai.conf
FAI_ROOT const /tmp/target almost every script
FAI_RUNDATE int 20060123_163824 task_setup() fai-savelog
FAI_VERSION int FAI 2.10.5 fai, prcopyleft()
HOSTNAME demohost very often
HOSTTYPE int x86_64 bash variable prcopyleft
LOGDIR /tmp/fai fai very often
LOGPASSWD fai.conf, *.var fai-savelog-ftp maybe removed from fai.conf
LOGREMOTEDIR upload fai.conf, *.var fai-savelog-ftp maybe removed from fai.conf
LOGSERVER fai.conf fai-savelog, fai-savelog-ftp default: LOGSERVER=$SERVER, remove from fai.conf
LOGUSER fai fai.conf fai-setup, fai-savelog, fai-savelog-ftp,task_chboot() default: LOGUSER= will disable logging
MNTPOINT /mnt2 /make-fai-nfsroot, fai-mirror, task_mirror() now a fied path?
NFSROOT /srv/fai/nfsroot/ fai.conf almost everywhere
PATH int /usr/local/sbin:... fai
SERVERINTERFACE eth0 fai.conf only needed when install server has multiple interfaces, maybe used to determine $installserver
installserver kueppers fai.conf only for building FAI_LOCATION unset very early, can be removed
mirrorhost fai.conf make-fai-nfsroot.conf,$FAI_DEBOOTSTRAP, $FAI_DEBMIRROR, NFSROOT_ETC_HOSTS may be removed
FAI_DEBMIRROR $mirrorhost:/srv/debmirror fai.conf move to make-fai-nfsroot.conf, but needed in $NFSROOT/../fai.conf
HOST demohost can redefine host name
cfclasses int DEFAULT.LINUX.LAST cfagent scripts
classes int DEFAULT LINUX LAST almost every script
device_size int 'sda 71687372' set_disk_info() all disks and their sizes; may become local variable
disklist sda set_disk_info() setup_harddisks, fai-mount-disk
SERVER kueppers
faimond int 0 determines if faimond is running, merge $faimond and $monserver
monserver kueppers task_confdir sndmon() default: monserver=$SERVER, may be removed, but must be set very early (e.g in fai.conf)
fstab int fstab was used for solaris, fstab -> vfstab can be removed
ip int dhcp get-boot-info may be unset after use
netdevices int eth0 get-boot-info get-boot-info, task_sysinfo
netdevices_all int eth0 eth1 get-boot-info get-boot-info, task_sysinfo
netdevices_up eth0 get-boot-info get-boot-info, task_sysinfo
nfsroot int /srv/fai/nfsroot/ fai-chboot via kernel append parameter kernel, fai-chboot may contain server's IP address
renewclass int boolean task_defclass() on softupdate recalculate the list of classes, unset after use
romountopt int -o async,noatime,ro unset after use
sndhostname task_confdir() sndmon() sndhostname=$HOSTNAME; client's hostname, do not replace with $HOSTNAME, since HOSTNAME may change during installation
sshd boolean define_fai_flags()
createvt boolean define_fai_flags()
terror int integer every task can set it
target /tmp/target same as $FAI_ROOT
ROOTCMD 'chroot /tmp/target' almost every script
diskvar int $LOGDIR/ contains $BOOT_PARTITION, $ROOT_PARTITION, $BOOT_DEVICE, $SWAPLIST, use $LOGDIR/ instead of additional variable
lpipe int /tmp/fai/logfifo try to remove the ugly hack using it
rundir int /var/run/fai fai get_fai_dir(), fai maybe replaced by fixed path
stamp int ..._IN_PROGRESS
rcslog int $LOGDIR/fai.log replaced by $LOGDIR/fai.log

FAI_KEYMAP CS de class/*.var
BOOT_PARTITION CS /dev/sda1 setup_harddisks grub/menu.lst/postinst
ROOT_PARTITION CS /dev/sda1 setup_harddisks LILO/20-create-liloconf
UTC CS yes class/*.var example/simple/scripts
time_zone CS Europe/Berlin class/*.var example/simple/scripts
liloappend CS class/*.var 20-create-liloconf
moduleslist CS psmouse class/*.var scripts/FAIBASE/10-misc