FAI multi-distribution

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FAI can install different Linux distributions like Redhat (especially RHEL5), Fedora, CentOS, openSUSE, SuSE, Ubuntu and of course Debian.

Since FAI 3.1.8 already has the most important things integrated:

Installing other distributions

A Quick overview:

  • build a minimal base image (see basefiles/Makefile which uses rinse) and put it into MY-DISTRIBUTION-NAME.tar.gz in the configspace/basefiles
  • add the install host to the class MY-DISTRIBUTION-NAME
  • write a hook prepareapt.MY-DISTRIBUTION-NAME to replace the stuff specific for the distribtuion of the fai server with something suitable to get your specific distribution ready to install packages. The actual prepareapt task must be skipped
  • check that the package lists of the classes of that host are compatible for your distribution. See install-packages -H
  • install as usual

Distribution specific stuff


A more verbose description on how to do this with SLES9 is available here


Currently (2/2011) Michael Goetze works on this. Will be included into trunk soon. Works with CentOS 5 and rinse 1.7.


Redhat Enterprise Linux 5

Should work with more recent versions, too. Your need a redhat specific basefile - see below.

And you need a config space with some specific stuff for the redhat systems.

Check out http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/fai/people/lazyboy/rhel-install-fixes_3.1.8/examples/rhel-install-demo and add ths stuff you need to your current config space.

It should be no problem to mix this into your existing Debian configspace.

And there is a RHEL5 example configspace here: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/fai/people/lazyboy/rhel-install-fixes_3.1.8/

Bootstrapping the base images for other distributions

Have a look at examples/simple/basefiles/Makefile. Works for Ubuntu, CentOS.

For example, to bootstrap rhel5, after having created a local mirror, I create such a yum.conf file:


name=Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5

Then I call this script:

#! /bin/sh
tmp=`mktemp -d`

yum -c yum.conf --installroot=$tmp -y install yum dhclient
cp rhel5.repo  $tmp/etc/yum.repos.d/
mount -o bind /proc $tmp/proc
chroot $tmp yum groupinstall -y Core
chroot $tmp yum clean packages

echo "chroot created in tmp=$tmp"
cd $tmp
umount ./proc

tar cvfz $oldpwd/DIST-RHEL_5.tar.gz . 

cd -

echo "chroot created in tmp=$tmp"

And I'm done. This leads to a working install when using my example configspace mentioned above.

There are some issues left, so this currently works for dirinstall, only, out of the box. I had to install some additional packages (will add the list later) manually in the nfsroot, and then netinstall via pxe worked, too.

To know what you have to install manually in the nfsroot, check the output of make-fai-nfsroot -v - at one point, quite some packages are dropped with the message that they aren't available, but they can be installed just normal, and are perfectly there. Without this, make-fai-nfsroot finishes with "success", but is unable to install a machine nicely via network install.