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=head1 NAME
  fai-deps - class dependencies for FAI


  fai-deps [-h] [--man] [-d]


  implements dependencies between fai classes. 


fai-deps uses files $FAI/class/*.deps to sort the classes in $LOGDIR/FAI_CLASSES and define additional ones. While doing so, it retains the original order as much as possible. 

*.deps files may contain class names, seperated by whitespace. Comments ( after # or ; ) are ignored

e.g. you have a class WORDPRESS that depends on the classes VHOST and POSTGRES . VHOST again may depend on WEBSERVER. 
So if you want to install the blogging software wordpress, you add a file


that contains the words

and a file

that contains the word

The order often is important, so this script is taking care of it. The order of the example above would be:

That way, in $FAI/scripts/ first the webserver would be configured, then the vhosts, ...

It removes double entries from FAI_CLASSES and handles circular dependencies[1].

I do not recommend using circular dependencies, but if you accidentally define them, they will not break your neck. But you'll get a warning ...


One non-standard perl module is required:
On debian install libgraph-perl

The following enviroment variables are used:

 $LOGDIR  : path to fai temporary files
 $FAI     : path to fai config space


  unless ( $ENV{FAI} and $ENV{LOGDIR} )
    print STDERR '$ENV{FAI} and $ENV{LOGDIR} are not defined', $/;
    print STDERR 'This script should be called from within fai', $/;
    exit 1;

use strict;
use warnings;

use lib "$ENV{FAI}/lib";

use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use Graph::Directed;
#use Text::Glob qw(match_glob);
#use Data::Dumper;
#use GraphViz;

my %opts;
GetOptions( \%opts, 'help|h', 'man', 'debug|d' ) or pod2usage(1);
pod2usage(1) if $opts{help};
pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if $opts{man};

my $debug = $opts{debug};
my $fai_classes_file = "$ENV{LOGDIR}/FAI_CLASSES";
my $class_dir = "$ENV{FAI}/class";

	# main
	# read classes and dependencies into $digraph
	# retain order of first appearance in @uniq_classes
	my $digraph = Graph::Directed->new;
	my ( @uniq_classes ) = 
		read_fai_classes( $digraph, $fai_classes_file );
	push @uniq_classes,  
		read_dependencies( $digraph, $class_dir, @uniq_classes );
	exit if not $digraph->has_edges;

	# debug output
	if ( $debug ) {
		print STDERR 'graph:', $/;
		print STDERR $digraph->stringify(), $/;
		print STDERR 'is strongly connected', $/
			if $digraph->is_strongly_connected;
		#	create_graphviz_output($digraph->edges);
		print STDERR 'unique list of classes, orderd by appearence', $/;
		print STDERR join('-', @uniq_classes), $/;
		print STDERR $/;

	# warn if graph has cycles
	if ( $digraph->has_a_cycle ) {
		print STDERR 'Warning: cyclic class dependencies found:', $/;
		my $copy = $digraph->copy;
		while ( my @cycle = $copy->find_a_cycle ) {
			print STDERR join('-', @cycle), $/;
		print STDERR 'I`ll try my best to retain your class order', $/;

	# sort classes: retain order where possible, respect dependencies where necessary
	my @sorted_classes = sort_classes( $digraph, @uniq_classes );
	# debug output
	if ( $debug ) {
		print STDERR "list of all classes after resolving dependencies:", $/;
		print STDERR "@sorted_classes", $/;
		print STDERR 'in debug mode, this script has no effect at all!', $/x5;
		print STDERR 'Goodbye, and thank you for the fish', $/;
	# rewrite $fai_classes_file
	open FAI_CLASSES, ">$fai_classes_file"
		or die "$!: $fai_classes_file";
	print FAI_CLASSES join($/, @sorted_classes), $/;
exit;	# end main

# sort_classes:
# topological sort classes, retaining order as much as possible
my %class_finished_for;
my @order;
sub sort_classes { 
	my ( $digraph, @uniq_classes ) = @_;
	@order = @uniq_classes if not @order;
	my @sorted_classes;
	for my $class ( @uniq_classes ) {
		next if exists $class_finished_for{$class};
		my %unfinished_successor_for = 
			map { $_, 1 }
			grep { not exists $class_finished_for{$_} } 
			successors($digraph, $class);
		# retain order for successors
		my @unfinished_successors =
			grep { $unfinished_successor_for{$_} }
		push @sorted_classes, sort_classes( $digraph, @unfinished_successors );
		push @sorted_classes, $class;
	return @sorted_classes;

# successors: find successors for a given class
# handle circular dependencies: 
# * do not return circular connected successors
# * _do_ return all successors of circular connected successors
sub successors {
	my ( $digraph, $class ) = @_;
	my $component = $digraph->strongly_connected_component_by_vertex($class);
	# strongly connected components to all successors, except own component
	my %successor_components = 
		map { $_, undef } # turn list into hash for uniqueness
		grep { $_ ne $component }
		map { $digraph->strongly_connected_component_by_vertex($_) }
	# classes for these components
	my %successors =
		map { $_, undef } # turn list into hash for uniqueness
		map { $digraph->strongly_connected_component_by_index($_) } 
		keys %successor_components;
	return keys %successors;

# read_fai_classes: reads fai classes from $fai_classes_file
sub read_fai_classes {
	my ( $digraph, $fai_classes_file) = @_;
	my @uniq_classes;
	# read plain classes from $LOGDIR/FAI_CLASSES
	open FAI_CLASSES, $fai_classes_file
		or die "$!: $fai_classes_file";
	while ( <FAI_CLASSES> ) {
		# skip double classes
		next if $digraph->has_vertex( $_ );
		push @uniq_classes, $_;
		$digraph->add_vertex( $_ );
	return @uniq_classes;
# read_dependencies: reads dependencies and its classes from $class_dir/*.deps
my %deps_file_seen_for;
sub read_dependencies {
	my ( $digraph, $class_dir, @uniq_classes) = @_;
	my @new_classes;
	# read class dependencies from $class_dir/*.deps
	my $prefix = quotemeta($class_dir);
	my @deps_files = grep { 
		-f "$class_dir/$_.deps" 
		and not -x "$class_dir/$_.deps"
	} @uniq_classes;
	for my $class ( @deps_files ) {
		next if $deps_file_seen_for{$class}++;
		open DEPSFILE, "$class_dir/$class.deps"
			or die "$!: $class";
		while ( <DEPSFILE> ) {
			# remove comments, leading and trailing whitespace
			s/(#|;).*// ; 
			s/ ^\s+  //x; 
			s/  \s+$ //x; 
			# allow multiple classes per line
			my @deps = split m/\s+/;
			for my $dep ( @deps ) {
				push @new_classes, $dep
					if not $digraph->has_vertex( $dep );
				$digraph->add_edge($class, $dep);
		close DEPSFILE;
		push @new_classes, read_dependencies( $digraph, $class_dir, @new_classes );
	return @new_classes;

#sub create_graphviz_output {
#	my @edges = @_;
#	my $g = GraphViz->new();
#	for ( @edges ) {
#		$g->add_edge( @$_ );
#	}
#	return $g->as_png('graph-test.png');

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR
 Copyright 2008 by Ingo Wichmann <iw@linuxhotel.de>

 This software ist free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it unter the same terms as Perl itself.
